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Project News

Project News

New Book on Computational Thinking

The book "Assessing Computational Thinking: An Overview of the Field" recently published by Routledge offers interesting insights and valuable perspectives to the CoTeDI project, which aims to develop a common methodology for applying computational thinking (CT) in educational settings. Here’s an analysis of how the book aligns with and supports the CoTeDI project. Among the interesting aspects that could be highlighted, we have identified the points below. Read more

Playful Computational Thinking with Robots at the JTEL Summer School 2024

CoTEDI's Christian Glahn and Roland Klemke moderated a workshop on using robots to learn and teach with robots at the JTEL Summer School 2024 in Gabicce Mare, Pesaro, Italy on 18th May 2024. 20 Ph.D.-candidates from the field of technology-enhanced learning learned and engaged with Grove Zero Robots for contextual tangible computational thinking. Read more